Data designed for exceptional results

It goes without saying that in every business, growth is good. But rapid growth does come with new challenges. Processes, systems, and reporting infrastructure that once worked can become inefficient, unscalable, or simply can’t perform in the same way anymore.

At InVision, when it came to their advertising reporting infrastructure that’s exactly what happened. As their business grew in size and complexity, their digital marketing team’s once functional reporting structure was becoming time-consuming and allowed too much room for human error.

Most importantly, their current system wasn’t helping them easily connect advertising efforts to company growth and leadership’s long-term vision.

It was time for an upgrade.

Time is the most valuable resource

Welcome to the warehouse

InVision’s incredible growth meant that the sheer volume of leads was overwhelming their existing system. It took the digital marketing team a significant amount of time to report, and the system frequently experienced failures so they had to manually double (or even triple) check the data.

InVision needed a data storage and reporting automation solution that was as sophisticated and successful as their business. So that’s what Outshine built.

Working closely with their team, we developed a custom reporting infrastructure that pulled first-party, down-funnel performance data from their existing data systems. By reducing the number of datasets and integrating many new tools and technologies, including BigQuery and Stitch, we could understand marketing attribution and create full-funnel visibility for InVision.

Scalable, Reliable, & Repeatable

The value of a streamlined solution

One of the most valuable resources in the modern workplace is time. Time to think, strategize, and plan for what’s next.

The biggest value of a streamlined, revitalized, and well-orchestrated advertising data warehouse and reporting structure comes from the time the digital marketing team saves.

We ensured that their data answered the key questions from leadership and connected advertising efforts to business KPIs. All while drastically reducing time to report, the opportunity for error, and the need for manual QA. In turn, that allowed members of the digital marketing team to refocus their efforts on high-value, high-impact efforts.

The power of a full-funnel report isn’t just in the numbers. It’s what you can do with that information, once it’s being fed to your team quickly and easily.

Don’t wonder how advertising helps you achieve your goals—prove it.